501 N. Magnolia Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32801
Evening/Weekend Appointments Available
Evening/Weekend Appointments Available

Orlando Divorce Tax Issues Attorney

Tax Implications Of Divorce In Florida

In many divorce cases, tax issues tend to fall to the wayside, and they are not addressed until it is too late. They sneak in at the last minute and make their impact felt. When you choose us to represent you in your divorce case, we will take great care to advise you about the impact that taxation may have in your divorce. Furthermore, we will address tax issues from the very start of your case. With great care, we will manage them and design a case that will help you get the results you deserve.

An initial consultation is available to you at no charge

E-mail or call us at 407-495-2399 to discuss divorce and tax issues with an experienced family law attorney.

The office of Timothy W. Terry, Attorney at Law is dedicated to representing people in Orlando and throughout central Florida.

Tax issues come into play in two parts of a divorce case: property division and alimony.

In terms of property division, it is important to note that tax has a big impact on IRA, 401(k) and QDRO distribution. If these types of accounts are split up and money is removed from them, there are tax ramifications that will need to be addressed.

Alimony is considered taxable income that needs to be taken into consideration during a divorce. The amount that is agreed upon or decided by the court will not be the actual amount received, as a significant portion will be taken in income tax.

Our Commitment to You

From the very start, we will not only make you aware of the tax issues involved in your divorce, but we will carefully incorporate them into our overall strategy. We do not want to see your results hurt by tax implications. We want to see you get results that minimize tax liability.

We have more than 30 years of experience, and know how to address the most complex issues involved in divorce. We have built a strong record of success that is proven every time someone walks into our office that has been referred to us by a past satisfied client. We want to show you the skills that we have used to develop our record of success.

To learn more about divorce and tax issues from an experienced family law lawyer, E-mail or call us at 407-495-2399.


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